Lavender: Known for its fragrant blooms, lavender attracts bees and butterflies. Plant in well-drained soil and enjoy its beauty and pollinator-friendly qualities.
Coneflowers: These colorful flowers are a favorite of bees and butterflies. Their daisy-like blooms add a pop of color to your garden while supporting pollinators.
Black-eyed Susans: With their bright yellow petals, black-eyed Susans are a beacon for bees and butterflies. Plant these cheerful flowers in full sun for best results.
Bee Balm: As the name suggests, bee balm is a magnet for bees. Its vibrant flowers also attract hummingbirds, making it a must-have for a pollinator-friendly garden.
Salvia: This easy-to-grow perennial is loved by bees and butterflies. Salvia's tall spikes of flowers come in various colors, adding beauty and pollinator activity to your garden.
Butterfly Bush: True to its name, the butterfly bush is a favorite of butterflies. Plant this shrub in a sunny spot and watch as it attracts a flurry of colorful pollinators.